Chapter 2630 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep122
- She had read once in a Cosmopolitan Magazine at the hair salon, about how men got numerous erections during their sleep, and with no knowledge of the day's unending teasing and temptations he'd been forced to endure, or the Cialis coursing through his bloodstream, assumed Ron's body was simply behaving as God intended. Staring more intently at the lanky teen and the barely adequate towel draped over his groin, Lil smiled briefly to herself, thinking that if the penis pulsing beneath the thin white towel was also as God intended, then Ron should be on his knees nightly, offering thanks for his truly beautiful and oversized blessing.
- As her ironically twisted sense of humor faded, Lil finally snapped from her sinful daydreaming, and accepted the fact that she had to do something to conceal Ron's unmistakable erection before Mike arrived. She didn't see how she would get him under the covers without waking him, which was the absolute last thing she wanted. She began scanning the room, and eventually spied a spare sheet in the closet. It wasn't thick enough to actually hide his excitement, but at least his body would be fully concealed. She would just cover him, and go head Mike off before he could come in the room. Then later, if he came back with her, hopefully Ron's erection would be gone, and if not, she could feign shock and embarrassment for Mike's benefit.
- The sheet poised in her hands, ready to be slung out across his body, Lil paused, taking note of how his penis wavered beneath the towel. Of course, the easiest thing to do would be to simply drape the sheet over him. But then again, perhaps she should just quickly remove the towel first? It seemed like the nurturing thing to do, after all, it was likely damp, and was probably making all the bedding wet even as he lay there right now.